Transitions and Grief
Grief is a topic that many seem to ignore, especially if accompanied by a life event that is also filled with joy. This post explores the emotions experienced alongside transitioning into parenthood.

5 minutes a day.
What happens when you both give your relationship 5 minutes of connection and attention a day?

Back on Track
When your communication goes off the tracks, you have the choice to collaborate and work towards connection or stay with just your experience. This article goes through skills to work toward collaboration and connection at any point it derails.

The Break Up Button
Want better strategies to manage conflict? Check out this post to learn which ones are unhelpful and which ones are!

Connection Before Communication
Connection is easy to take for granted and it is vital for communication and relationship satisfaction. This blog explores ways to build/rebuild connection.
Asking for Help is Helpful
What if we all admitted to ourselves that we are all burdens and it is okay. This post explores why asking for help is helpful and ways to offer support to loved ones.

Skiing with Anxiety
Over the years, we have learned the more information we have about what our fear/anxiety is showing us the better choices we can make to care for it. Anxiety and fear are not bad. They show us danger is possible, and there are helpful and unhelpful ways to navigate it.

The Uncertainty of Dating
Dating is, by nature, uncertain. Check out some ways to care for yourself if you are jumping into dating again.

Emotional Support- What is it and Why is it Important?
Emotional support is an act of caring for and about your own or someone else’s emotions through expressions of curiosity, empathy, validation, and supportive gestures.
Why We Didn’t Attempt Mt. Baker
Not every adventure goes as planned, sometimes to call it 100ft below the summit, others you never make it to the trailhead. Read more about a misadventure and my own relationship missteps… and hopefully helpful hindsight reflections.

Planning & Goal Setting
Getting stuck making plans this summer? Check out this article for some tips and tricks to help you both feel satisfied with your summer goals!
What About the Other Kind of Safety?
How often do we focus on the other kind of safety when backcountry skiing? Emotional safety, that is. Emotions are so often dismissed, especially in groups. This piece originally published in Backcountry Magazine, dives into this topic and the importance of checking in with one another throughout your day.

Relationship Skills
Join me in April for an online couples workshop! Learn more about it in this month’s post.

Mental Health In the Mountains
Check out this post for ideas about how to check in with your adventure partners before heading out for the day.

Familiarity Does Not Always Equal Safety
What do dating, skiing, and our thoughts have in common? Find out here!

Summer’s Last Hurrah
As summer comes to a close check out some ways to stay connected with questions to explore on your next date night!